Select the country you're applying for, for specific general terms and conditions



This website (the "Website") is the property of and is operated by CVWAREHOUSE NV, registered at the Crossroads bank for Enterprises with the number 0464.577.045, having its registered office at Ternesselei 330, 2160 Wommelgem (Belgium), (hereafter "CVWarehouse"). These general terms and conditions (the "General Terms and Conditions"), together with our Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and CVWarehouse with respect to the use of the Website. By using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and unconditionally accepted these General Terms and Conditions. CVWarehouse provides services related to work recruitment process, including a job board for candidates and an Application Tracking System for companies. The information you provide on the Website is only made available to the employer(s) of your choice. This agreement is entered into when you accept the General Terms and Conditions as well as Privacy Policy on the Website. Termination of agreement is carried out by deletion of the account that is created by acceptance of these provisions.


Limitation of responsibility

You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any CV or material contained therein placed by you on the Website. The employers are solely responsible for their postings on the Website. CVWarehouse is not to be considered an employer with respect to your use of the Website and shall not be responsible for any employment decisions, for whatever reason made by any entity posting jobs on the Website or by candidates applying for those jobs. CVWarehouse may at all times, without any notice, change these terms and conditions and any other information on this Website by amending the relevant text. Although we use the best anti-virus programs, any liability for damage or disturbance of functionality caused by viruses or worms shall be excluded. Thus, we shall not be liable for any damage which may result from the download, installation, storage or use of any software or content from our Website. All information published on the Website has been assembled with care, but as some information is provided by third parties, we are not always able to verify the accuracy of such information. CVWarehouse is in any event not liable for the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, reliability or timelessness of any information published on the Website, or for the consequences of any actions or decisions taken on the basis of such information.


Intellectual property rights

This Website, including the texts, structure, lay-out, graphical components, the presentation, the names, the signs, the logos, the software as well as any other element included in the Website, are the intellectual property of CVWarehouse, its suppliers or partners. We allow you to read and download this content solely for your individual, private and non-commercial recruitment needs. Any reproduction or public communication of the Website, including the abovementioned elements, is prohibited without the prior written consent of CVWarehouse.


Registration and Password

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your information and authentication data. You shall be responsible for all uses of your registration, whether or not authorized by you. You agree to immediately notify CVWarehouse of any unauthorized use of your registration or authentication data or passwords.


Listings and Job Applications

Please read our Privacy Policy prior to disclosing your personal data on the Website or to a potential employer. We cannot accept any liability for the rightful handling of your data once it has been disclosed to a potential employer, after you have decided thereto, or any contact and dealings with a potential employer. Our Privacy Policy goes further into detail how we and others process your personal data, which rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data and how/where to exercise them. Though CVWarehouse's system landscape is protected according to high security standards, we cannot be held liable for malignant actions of third parties or any consequences of such actions. It is entirely your responsibility to carefully review the identity of any third party to whom you allow to disclose personal data. We advise you never to disclose sensitive data, even if requested by a recruiter, prior to entering into a business relationship enforced by a contract.. Such sensitive data may include (but is not limited to) personal ID or social security numbers, credit card numbers and any banking details. We cannot be held responsible for the recruitment process of these third parties, its consequences or results. We do not accept any responsibility for the relationship between candidates and the companies making use of our services.


Attachments, Illegal Content

Please ensure that you do not send us any attachments that contain worms or viruses. Personal details provided to the Website should not contain (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Information on pregnancy
  • Any information about ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health and sexual life
  • Defamatory or slanderous information
  • Information having no reasonable relation to the job profile
  • Any additional information to the above, as stipulated by your local and national legislation on privacy.

Even if your local governing laws do allow disclosure any of the above stated information, you are not allowed to provide it to third parties through the Website. Once you have entered into a relationship facilitated by CVWarehouse with a potential employer or recruiter, disclosure of such information is your own responsibility and risk. The information you send us must not be inaccurate, breach copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, contravene law, competition law or other applicable provisions, official regulations, the rights of third parties in general or good morals ("Illegal Content"). Please note that you shall undertake to indemnify CVWarehouse against all claims made against CVWarehouse as a consequence of your failure to prevent Illegal Content appearing in any information you provide on the Website.



In no event shall CVWarehouse, its suppliers or any third party mentioned on our Website be liable for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to: incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damage resulting from the use or inability to use the Website, whether or not CVWarehouse is informed of the possibility of such damages.



CVWarehouse reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to pursue all of its legal remedies, including but not limited to deletion of your postings from the Website and immediate termination of your registration with or ability to access the Website and/or any other services provided to you by CVWarehouse, upon any breach by you of these General Terms and Conditions or if CVWarehouse is unable to verify or authenticate any information you submit to the Website.



You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CVWarehouse, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claim, action or demand, including but not limited to, legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of the Website or your breach of these General Terms and Conditions.


No Resale or Unauthorized Commercial Use

You agree not to resell or assign your rights or obligations under these General Terms and Conditions. You also agree not to make any unauthorized commercial use of the Website.



If any provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term in these General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term.


Competent jurisdiction and applicable law

The relationship between you and CVWarehouse is submitted to Belgian law. In case of dispute, the courts of Antwerp (division of Antwerp) are exclusively competent. By clicking the checkbox on the application form you are confirming that:

  • you have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions including the Privacy Policy; and
  • you understand and accept that your personal data will be used as outlined.